Injured Wildlife
Heritage Humane Society does not accept injured wildlife. If you have found wildlife in urgent need or rescue, please contact Wildlife Response at 757-543-7000 or Tidewater Wildlife Rescue at 757-255-8710
When to help:
If you find an orphaned baby animal not fully covered with feathers/fur.
If you find an injured or orphaned animal and there are predators or immediate danger present.
If there is visible blood or other obvious signs of trauma.
If you have found what you think to be orphaned baby wildlife, please read the information carefully below before taking any action.
For baby birds. Baby birds with feathers (also known as fledglings) will typically hop around the ground. If they have feathers and are able to move around, please leave them alone. Baby birds with little to no feathers can be returned to their best. CLICK HERE to learn more about steps to take (if needed) when encountering a baby bird.
For baby rabbits. Rabbits will typically build a nest in burrows in the ground. Their mother typically only comes to feed them a few times a day, so don’t be alarmed if you do not see a mother nearby. CLICK HERE to learn more about steps to take (if needed) when encountering a baby rabbit.
For baby squirrels. Squirrels nest twice a year – in the late winter and summer. Babies may begin to explore outside the nest by six weeks old. A baby squirrel has the best chance at survival when it’s cared for by its mother. CLICK HERE to learn more about steps to take (if needed) when encountering a baby squirrel.
The below local veterinarian clinics accept injured wildlife:
Godspeed Animal Care – 757-234-8199
Animal Emergency Clinic (open 24 hours) – 757-234-0461